A lot of people missed this game back in 2002 and many still have never played it. I was one of those many… But no more.
This game has the feel of the Ultima series. Course you could also say its a mix of Diablo / Baldurs Gate.
The game still holds up well 7 years later graphically.
Combat is on the action side of things and you can pause at any time to figure out your next move or just to take a break. Combat hard at the beginning of the game because you have nothing and the Orcs outside of the first town are pretty strong. Have to do a few of the easy quests in the starter town first to get built up a bit before doing battle. Even then you still run into some real tough battles along the way. I still had some trouble when my character was level 20. Creatures do not level with you so you can and will run into creatures 20 levels higher..
Any character can learn any skills.. Warriors can learn mage spells , Survivors can learn Warrior abilities.. Whatever you want to build .. Totally up to you. Want a Battlemage? You got it. Want a Death Knight who can summon skeletons and other beasts? You got it.
Quests , Quests , Quests, There are tons of them and none of them hold your hand. There are several where you end up having to really explore to solve. Not going to lie.. I used a some guides to figure out some of them. It was refreshing to have to think a bit while doing quests. There are also multiple ways to finish some quests so you are not locked into the same thing on another play through. I have been playing around 20 hours and have barely started to main quest line.
Another nice thing to see is that loot is randomized even on quest rewards. So you could save right before turning in a quest the has a set reward or a boss that drops a particular item and then reload until you get the stats and modifications you want. I reloaded about 50 time to get a 5 slot mana leech and freeze sword ( was well worth it ). Armor , Jewelry and Weapons all can have slots on them. With these slots you can use gems to add stat bonuses like resistances , exra health , extra mana , strength , dexterity , intelligence and constitution.
Tons of playtime available here. No one should pass this game up just because it is 7 years old… A true gem.
88 out of 100.
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